
Entity Definition

Logical Name : GeolocationHierarchyDimension
Physical Name : ETL_DW3_DIM_GEO_HRC_SGMT

This table identifies and defines geolocation hierarchies and their consitituent location points.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
GeographicrSegmentHierarchyID (PK) A token ID for a CustomerSegmentHierarchy ID_GEO_SGMT_HRC Identity int
GeographicLocationID (PK) Token ID for a GeographicLocation ID_GEO_LCN Identity integer
GeographicSegmentHierarchyName A business name assigned to a CustomerSegmentHierarchy. NM_GEO_SGMT_HRC Name varchar(40)
ChildHierarchyLevelNumber The relative position of a level within a CustomerSegmentHierarchy. Level 0 is the ROOT or highest level of a hierarchy. The level number is incremented for the next LOWER level. IC_PRNT_HRC_LV_NMB LineNumber smallint
Child Token Identifier for a CustomerSegmentHierarchyGroup instance. ID_ST_SGMT_HRC_GP_CHLD Identity integer
Parent Token Identifier for a CustomerSegmentHierarchyGroup instance. ID_ST_SGMT_HRC_GP_PRNT Identity integer
GeolocationIdHierarchyTreepath A pipe delimited bottom up (left to right) list of Geolocation ID's in a geolocation hierarchy. GEO_LCN_ID_HRC_TREE_PTH String varchar(4000)
GeolocationHierarchyHierlvlpath A pipe delimited bottom up (left to right) list of Geolocation hier. Level numbers for a geolocation hierarchy GEO_LCN_HRC_LVL_PTH String varchar(4000)
GeolocationHierarchyGroupNamePath A pipe delimited bottom up (left to right) list of Geolocation hierarchy group names for a geolocation hierarchy GEO_LCN_HRC_LVL_GP_NM_PTH String varchar(4000)
GeolocationHierarchyLevelDescriptionPath A pipe delimited bottom up (left to right) list of Geolocation hierarchy level descriptions (metadata about the level type) for a geolocation hierarchy GEO_LCN_HRC_LVL_NM_PTH String varchar(4000)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
GeolocationHierarchyDimension defines geolocation for CustomerGeolocationDimension
GeolocationHierarchyDimension defines geolocation for BusinessUnitGeolocationDimension

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